Section: New Results

Scalable Systems

Nobody cares if you liked Star Wars: KNN graph construction on the cheap.

Participants : Olivier Ruas, François Taïani.

K-Nearest-Neighbors (KNN) graphs play a key role in a large range of applications. A KNN graph typically connects entities characterized by a set of features so that each entity becomes linked to its k most similar counterparts according to some similarity function. As datasets grow, KNN graphs are unfortunately becoming increasingly costly to construct, and the general approach, which consists in reducing the number of comparisons between entities, seems to have reached its full potential. In work [27] we propose to overcome this limit with a simple yet powerful strategy that samples the set of features of each entity and only keeps the least popular features. We show that this strategy outperforms other more straightforward policies on a range of four representative datasets: for instance, keeping the 25 least popular items reduces computational time by up to 63%, while producing a KNN graph close to the ideal one.

This work was done in collaboration with Anne-Marie Kermarrec (Mediego/EPFL).

Pleiades: Distributed structural invariants at scale

Participants : Simon Bouget, David Bromberg, Adrien Luxey, François Taïani.

Modern large scale distributed systems increasingly espouse sophisticated distributed architectures characterized by complex distributed structural invariants. Unfortunately, maintaining these structural invariants at scale is time consuming and error prone, as developers must take into account asynchronous failures, loosely coordinated sub-systems and network delays. To address this problem, we propose Pleiades [31], a new framework to construct and enforce large-scale distributed structural invariants under aggressive conditions. Pleiades combines the resilience of self-organizing overlays, with the expressiveness of an assembly-based design strategy. The result is a highly survivable framework that is able to dynamically maintain arbitrary complex distributed structures under aggressive crash failures. Our evaluation shows in particular that Pleiades is able to restore the overall structure of a 25,600 node system in less than 11 asynchronous rounds after half of the nodes have crashed.

CASCADE: Reliable distributed session handoff for continuous interaction across devices

Participants : David Bromberg, Adrien Luxey, François Taïani.

Allowing users to navigate seamlessly between their personal devices while protecting their privacy remains today an ongoing challenge. Existing solutions rely on peer-to-peer designs, and blindly flood the network with session messages. It is particularly hard to come up with proposals that are both cost-efficient and dependable while relying on poorly connected mobile appliances. In [24] we propose Cascade, a distributed protocol to share applicative sessions among one's devices. Our proactive session handoff algorithm takes inspiration from the BitTorrent P2P file sharing protocol, but adapts it to the specific characteristics of our problem. It eschews in particular trackers, and limits the seeders of each session to the devices most likely to be used next, as computed by a decentralized aggregation protocol. A key aspect of our approach is to trade off network costs for reliability, while providing a faster session handoff than centralized solutions in the vast majority of the cases.

Sprinkler: A probabilistic dissemination protocol to provide fluid user interaction in multi-device ecosystems

Participants : David Bromberg, Adrien Luxey, François Taïani.

Offering fluid multi-device interactions to users while protecting their privacy largely remains an ongoing challenge. Existing approaches typically use a peer-to-peer design and flood session information over the network, resulting in costly and often unpractical solutions. In [29], we propose Sprinkler, a decentralized probabilistic dissemination protocol that uses a gossip-based learning algorithm to intelligently propagate session information to devices a user is most likely to use next. Our solution allows designers to efficiently trade off network costs for fluidity, and is for instance able to reduce network costs by up to 80% against a flooding strategy while maintaining a fluid user experience.

This work was done in collaboration with Fabio Costa, Ricardo Da Rocha and Vinicius Lima from the Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG).